字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 邀请函-Invitation Letter

邀请函-Invitation Letter

高中生作文   2025-03-10

January 15, 1981

Dar Tin- Tin (Swt-Swt),

How ar you? Hav you mad any plans for Th wintr vacation yt? I hav bn thinking of Going to th ast coast and staying in Hualin for two days. How about joining m? W could Mak it an around-th-island tour. If tim is Short, w could fly down to Hualin and thn Tak th train back along th astrn coast. Thr Will b lots of bautiful scnic spots for picturs! Giv m a call or writ m a not as soon as you dcid.

Yours affctionatly,

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