字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹,Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹范文

Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹,Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹范文

初中生作文   2025-02-05

Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹,Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹范文Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹 由 Catching Crabs

Thr is a rivr nar my hom. Thr ar a lot offish and crabs in it. I oftn go to catch crabs with my brothr.

Ystrday my brothr and I wnt to catch crabs again. As soon as w got to th rivr, w bgan to work at onc. My brothr caught crabs with his hand, and I put thm into a baskt. Aftr a short tim w caught a lot of crabs, for my brothr was vry skillful at it.

Crabs hav two sharp and larg pincrs. Ifyou ar not carful, th crab may grip your fingrs firmly and mak you painful, Onc my brothr was grippd by a crab. H put his hand to th crack ora rock vry slowly, and movd th crab to on sid. Thn h hld th crab's back, with anothr hand, forcing it to loosn its pincrs Quickly h thrw it into my baskt.

W workd till about fiv o'clock in th aftrnoon. Thn w wnt back hom. Th baskt was vry havy with svral jin of crabs in it. W had a dlicious dinnr.






Catching Crabs-捉螃蟹 由

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