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高中生作文   2025-03-07

Th Thr Gorgs of th Yangtz Rivr

Th Thr Gorgs ar situatd ① in th middl rachs of th Yangtz Rivr, and ar famous throughout th world.

Th Thr Gorgs ar: th Xiling Gorg(西陵峡), Wu Gorg(巫峡)and Qutang Gorg(瞿塘峡). Along with thm thr ar a numbr of bautiful placs of intrst, such as, Zhaojun Villag, Qu Yuan Tmpl and Baidi Town.

Th Gzhouba Dam is at th ntranc to th Gorgs. A big powr station has bn built hr. Sinc th rform and opn policis bgan to b carrid out, grat changs hav takn plac and th Thr Gorgs of th Yangtz Rivr hav takn on a nw look. At prsnt a larg multipurpos watr consrvancy projct ② is undr construction.

Th Thr Gorgs will bnfit ③ th popl mor and mak gratr contributions to China.

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