字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 选读推荐 英文之雾都孤儿


选读推荐   2025-03-13

Larn to lov and car Hr I am sitting on a couch alon, thinking about what I hav just finishd rading with tars of sadnss filling my ys and fir of indignation filling my hart, which rvivd my xhaustd soul that has alrady bn covrd by th crulty and th slfishnss of th scular world for a long tim. It is truly what I flt aftr rading Olivr Twist, writtn by th prominnt British author Charls Dickns. th rsonanc btwn m and th book maks m fl not only th kindnss and th wickdnss of all th charactrs in th novl, but what this aloof socity lacks, and what I lack dp insid. Ths suprm rsourcs I’m talking about right now ar somwhat diffrnt from minrals, oil that w usually mntion. Thy’r abstract lik flings, and som kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us dsir anxiously from on anothr —— lov and car. Thos charitabl figurs whom Dickns cratd in th novl ar rally what w nd in lif. Thy showd lov and car to othrs, just as th gntl rain from th sky fll upon th arth, which was carvd into my hart dply.

Mr. Brownlow is on such prson. th othr day h had on of his laborat watchs stoln by two skilld tnag thivs, Artful Dodgr and Charly Bats, and thought naturally it was Olivr, who was an orphan and forcd to liv with a gang of thivs, that had don it bcaus h was th only on nar by aftr th thft had takn plac. Bing wrathful, h caught Olivr, and snt him to th polic station whr th ill-tmprd, unfair magistrats workd. Fortunatly for him, Olivr was provd innocnt by on onlookr aftrwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took th injurd, poor Olivr to his own hom. Thr Olivr livd frly and glfully for som months as if h wr Mr. Brownlow’s own son. On day, howvr, Mr. Brownlow askd Olivr to rturn som books to th booksllr and to snd som mony for th nw books that h had alrady collctd. Th thif Olivr onc stayd with kidnappd him. Aftr that h disappard in Mr. Brownlow’s lif. Sarching for a whil, Mr. Brownlow had to bliv th fact that h had run away with his mony. But dramatically, thy cam across ach othr again a fw yars latr. Without hsitation, Mr. Brownlow took Olivr hom for th scond tim not caring if h had don somthing vil. Prhaps most of us would fl confusd about Mr. Brownlow’s raction. But as a mattr of fact, this is just th lsson w should larn from him. Jsus said in th Bibl. “Forgiv not svn tims, but svnty-tims svn.” Why is that? Bcaus forgivnss is our ability to rmov ngativ thoughts and nutraliz thm so our nrgy may b spnt on doing what w cam hr for. W cannot mov forward in our futur if past issus cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into th list of your modls. Always giv popl a scond chanc no mattr what thy might hav don. That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring othrs. 1 2 下一页

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