两条路(The Two Roads)
it was nw yar's night. an agd man was standing at a window. h raisd his mournful ys towards th dp blu sky, whr th stars wr floating lik whit lilis on th surfac of a clar calm lak. thn h cast thm on th arth, whr fw mor hoplss popl than himslf now movd towards thir crtain goal——th tomb. h had alrady passd sixty of th stags lading to it, and h had brought from his journy nothing but rrors and rmors. now his halth was poor, his mind vacant, his hart sorrowful, and his old ag short of comforts.th days of his youth appard lik drams bfor him, and h rcalld th srious momnt whn his fathr placd him at th ntranc of th two roads——on lading to a pacful, sunny plac, covrd with flowrs, fruits and rsounding with soft, swt songs; th othr lading to a dp, dark cav, which was ndlss, whr poison flowd instad of watr and whr dvils and poisonous snaks hissd and crawld.h lookd towards th sky and crid painfully, "o youth, rturn! o my fathr, plac m onc mor at th ntranc to lif, and i'll choos th bttr way!" but both his fathr and th days of his youth had passd away.h was th lights flowing away in th darknss. ths wr th days of his wastd lif; h saw a star fall from th sky and disappard, and this was th symbol of himslf. his rmors, which was lik a sharp arrow, struck dply into his hart. thn h rmmbrd his frinds in his childhood, who ntrd on lif togthr with him. but thy had mad thir way to succss and wr now honourd and happy on this nw yar's night.th clock in th high church towr struck and th sound mad him rmmbr his parnts' arly lov for him. thy had taught him and prayd to god for his good. but h chos th wrong way. with sham and grif h dard no longr look towards that havn whr his fathr liv. his darknd ys wr full of tars, and with a dspairing ffort, h burst out a cry: "com back, my arly days! com back!"and his youth did rturn, for all this was only a dram which h had on nw yar's night. h was still young though his faults wr ral; h had not yt ntrd th dp, dark cav, and h was still fr to walk on th road which lads to th pacful and sunny land.thos who still lingr on th ntranc of lif, hsitating to choos th bright road, rmmbr that whn yars ar passd and your ft stumbl on th dark mountains, you will cry bittrly, but in vain: "o youth, rturn! oh giv m back my arly days!"words:mournful 悲伤的rmors 悔恨rsounding 回响hiss 嘶嘶作声grif 悲痛burst out 大声说出,脱口而出lingr 徘徊stumbl 绊倒in vain 徒劳地参考译文:除夕之夜,一位老人伫立窗前。他满眼哀伤,仰望着深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星如清澈平静的湖面上的朵朵白莲在漂移着;后来,他将目光投向地面,几个比他更加绝望的人正在走向人生的终点——坟墓。在通往人生终点的道路上,他已走过了60多个驿站,除了过失和悔恨,他一无所获。现在,他健康欠佳,精神空虚,心情忧郁,缺少晚年应有的舒适和安逸。青春的岁月如梦幻般浮现在他眼前,他回想起父亲将他放在人生岔路口上的关键时刻,当时,他面前有两条路:一条通向和平宁静、阳光灿烂的地方,那里到处是花果,到处回荡着柔和甜美的歌声;另一条则通向黑暗无底的深渊,那里流淌着毒液而不是清水,恶魔肆虐,毒蛇嘶嘶爬动。他仰望天空,痛苦地哭喊:“哦,青春,你回来吧!哦,爸爸,请把我重新放到人生的路口上吧,我会做出更好的选择。”然而他的父亲和他的青春年华皆离他远去。他看见灯消逝在黑暗中,那便是他虚度的时光;他看见一颗星星从空中陨落、消失,那是他自身的象征。悔恨如同一支利箭,深深地刺进他的心。接着,他想起童年时代的朋友,他们曾与他一同踏上人生的旅程,现已获得成功,受到人们的尊敬,此刻正在幸福中欢度除夕。教堂塔顶的钟声响了,使他回忆起父母早年对他的爱,他们曾给予他谆谆教诲,曾为他的幸福祈祷上帝。可他偏偏选择人生的歧途。羞愧和忧伤使他再也不敢正式他父亲所在的天堂。他双眼黯然无光,饱噙着泪水,在绝望中,他拼力高喊:“回来吧,我那逝去的年华!回来吧!”青春真的回来了,因为以上所发生的一切只是他在除夕所做的一场梦。他仍旧年轻,当然他真的犯有过失;但还未堕入深渊;他仍然可以自由地走上通向宁静和光明的道路。在人生路口徘徊,不知该不该选择光明大道的年轻人啊,你们千万要记住:当你青春已逝,双足在黑暗的群山中举步维艰,跌跌撞撞之时,你才痛心疾首地呼唤:“哦,回来吧、青春!哦,把我的美好年华还给我!”,这只会是徒劳无益的。