字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 上学路上发生车祸,上学路上发生车祸范文


高中生作文   2025-02-18

上学路上发生车祸 I brok my lft lg on my way to school this morning. I was riding across a crossroad whn a car rushd out from my fight against m. I was riding so quicldy that I couldn't stop. Nithr could th car. Thrfor, I was knockd off my bik. I was takn to th hospital at onc. Th doctor xamind m and found my lg brokn. I had to li in bd for at last two wks. 今天早晨上学的路上我的左腿骨折了。我正骑着自行车过一个十字路口,突然一辆轿车从我的右侧面开过来。因为骑得很快所以我停不下来。小轿车也是如此,所以我被撞倒了。我很快被送到医院。医生检查后发现我的腿骨折了。我不得不在床上躺至少两周。 上学路上发生车祸

标签: 金秋
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