我的理想(A Dream)
我的理想(A Dram)a dramptr: oh, i can't bliv it. i am now in london in ngland. i s th big bn. big bn is not th th nam of a man. it is a vry big clock&hllip;. oh, i am so happy.happy: how ar you?ptr: i'm fin, thank you.happy: how was your holiday?ptr: it was fun.happy: whr did you go?ptr: i wnt to ngland.happy: how did you go thr?ptr: i wnt by plan.happy: what did you do and what did you s?ptr: i saw th big bn. th hands ar four mtrs long. and i bought prsnts for you!happy: oh, thank you. did you tak any picturs?ptr: ys. r&hllip;whr did i put my picturs? ...ptr: oh, it's a dram!
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