whether listening test in NMET should be kept or canceled
whthr listning tst in NMT should b kpt or cancld
Th studnts of our school had a discussion about whthr listning tst in th National Matriculation nglish Tst should b. kpt or cancld. Som studnts think that listning tst should not b cancld. Thy insist listning is among th four basic skills. W thrfor can not ignor it. Bsids, listning is on of th important channls for us to gt information from th outsid world. $o it should b strngthnd today whn intrnational coopration is bcoming mor and mor frqunt. But othrs don' t agr. Thy think not vryon has to communicat with forignrs in th futur. Morovr, listning tst is unfair to th studnts in th aras whr radio signals cannot b pickd up ffctivly. And for crtain rasons, thr is a big diffrnc in tachrs and quipmnt btwn th countrysid and th city.