字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 An Accident-车祸,An Accident-车祸范文

An Accident-车祸,An Accident-车祸范文

高中生作文   2025-03-13

An Accidnt-车祸 An Accidnt

My uncl will nvr forgt what happnd to him ystrday.

In th vning, h was invitd to an inn. H njoyd his dinnr with his frinds, drinking a lot of brs. As a rsult, h got drunk.H insistd on driving hom aftr th mal, although his frinds trid to prsuad him not to do so.

A fw minuts latr, h was winding his way on th strt. And thn his car ran into a tall tr. Fortunatly, h was still aliv, though sriously injurd. Th polic cam to th spot, and h was takn to th hospital. Naturally, h had to stay in th hospital for svral days.vn wors, his driving licns was rvokd. How h rgrttd what h had don! 车祸



一会儿后,车在路上摇摇晃晃,然后就撞到一颗树上了。幸运的是,他尽管伤得很重,但没有生命危险。警察来到事故现场,然后把他送到了医院。自然,他必须在医院里呆上几天。更为糟糕的是,他被吊销了驾驶执照。他对自己所做的事感到万分后悔。 An Accidnt-车祸

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