My Special Winter Holiday,My Special Winter Holiday范文
My Spcial Wintr Holiday,My Spcial Wintr Holiday范文My Spcial Wintr Holiday 由 My Spcial Wintr Holiday
I had a spcial wintr holiday this yar. I spnt a lot of tim larning somthing about computr studis. At th bginning of th wintr holiday, I wnt to Dafng to hav a wk study. I would liv and study thr. It was grat, bcaus I could larn mor knowldg and larn how to look aftr myslf at th sam tim. I could also mak many frinds from all ovr Jiangsu.
vry morning, aftr I had my brakfast, I wnt to th classroom to hav my lssons. This classroom was diffrnt from ours. It was thir school’s assmbly hall. W had to go thr arly to look for our own sat. You didn’t hav a fixd sat. On day, I wnt thr lat, I had to sit in th last row. I couldn’t har th tachr wll and s clarly.
It was just lik in a univrsity. Only on tachr talkd by th tachr’s dsk with a microphon. No on would car you; vryon mad his or hr own nots carfully.
In th aftrnoon, w wnt to computr classrooms to do our homwork. Somtims, th homwork was vry difficult. W may work out nothing mor, but aftr a whil, whn I thought why I wnt hr, I would do my homwork again.
On th last day, w had a tst. I flt a littl nrvous. Aftr thr hours, th tst wa finishd. I wnt out of th computr classroom with a smil. On my way hom, I said to myslf, “What a grat wk!”
My Spcial Wintr Holiday 由