我是这样学习英语的-I Learn English Like This,我是这样学习英
我是这样学习英语的-I Larn nglish Lik This,我是这样学习英我是这样学习英语的-I Larn nglish Lik This nglish is vry important for us. vryon wants to larn it wll. My nglish is vry good. How do I larn nglish?
First, I listn to th tachr and mak nots carfully in class. I rvis my old lssons and prpar my nw lssons aftr class.
Scond, I lik spaking nglish withmy classmats, not only in classroom, but also on th playground. It's to improv my spokn nglish.
Third, I kp a diary vry day to practis my writtn nglish.
Bsids this, I oftn rad nglish nwspaprs or magazins in ordr to nrich my knowldg on nglish cultur.英语对我们来说很重要,每个人都想学好英语。我的英语很好,那我是怎么学英语的呢?
除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志来丰富我的文化知识。 W know it is difficult to larn nglish. My nglish is vry good. I larn nglish lik this.
I Listn to th tachr carfully and writ th important points down on my notbooks. Aftr class I rvis th lssons. Bfor class I prpar nw lssons to find out th qustions. Thn I will listn carfully in class.
I also listn to th tap, and spak nglish with my classmats in th classroom and on th playground. It's to improv my listning and spaking.
I kp a diary vry day to practis my writtn nglish.
Bsids this, I oftn rad nglish nwspaprs and magazins to nrich my knowlg on nglish cultur.
W will larn nglish wll so long as w larn it hard. 我们知道英语学起来很困难。我的英语不错,我是这样学英语的:
只要我们用心去学,我们会学好英语的。 我是这样学习英语的-I Larn nglish Lik This