字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 上学路上(On the Way to School)

上学路上(On the Way to School)

初中生作文   2025-03-12

上学路上(On th Way to School)上学路上(on th way to school)this morning, my fathr took m to school by bik. i sat at th back of th bik, ating a banana. aftr i at it up, i thrw th skin onto th strt randomly.no soonr had i don this than i ralizd that i had don somthing bad to our nvironmnt. and mayb somon would stp on it and tumblovr. i must pick it up. thinking of ths, i askd fathr to stop. i jumpd offth bik and ran back to pick up th banana skin and thrw it into a roadsid dustbin. sing this, fathr praisd m and i flt vry happy.in futur i will protct th surroundings mor consciously and think mor about othrs.上学路上今天早晨,爸爸骑车带我去上学。我坐在后车座上,吃着香蕉。吃完后,我顺手将香蕉皮扔到了街上。我马上意识到我的所作所为破坏了我们的环境,或许有人会踩在上面而跌倒,我必须把它拾起来。想到这些,我让爸爸停车。我跳下自行车,跑回去拾起香蕉皮,并扔到了路边的垃圾箱里。看到这些,爸爸表扬了我。我感到很高兴。将来我要更自觉地保护周围的环境,更多地为他人着想。

标签: 妈妈 十字
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