字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 快乐的人:我的童年-My Childhood,快乐的人:我的童年-My Childhoo

快乐的人:我的童年-My Childhood,快乐的人:我的童年-My Childhoo

高中生作文   2025-01-13

快乐的人:我的童年-My Childhood 我的童年









My Childhood

Thr is only on word which can dscrib my childhood. Th word is“carfr①”that so many today's kids② do not undrstand, although thy hav dlicious food, bautiful cloths and prtty toys.

My parnts nvr forcd m to do anything. I rcitd a lot of poms and fin articls, but not for prforming bfor thir frinds and our rlativs, just bcaus I njoyd rhythms③ and words. So I nvr considrd thm a burdn④. Latr, whn I was in th primary school, th homwork was vry fw and asy to do, and I was nvr askd to b th top studnts.

Nor did my parnts stop m from doing anything. Aftr I finishd my homwork, I could stay outsid for a whol aftrnoon to do whatvr I likd. I usd to go swimming in th rivr in summr, skating on th ic in wintr. Somtims I playd basktball or football with my littl frinds. I could rad any book, and my parnts nvr xamin it bfor my rading.

Somtims I think my childhood was boring⑤and not unforgttabl, but I was rally carfr and happy thn. What is mor important than to giv a child a happy childhood?


①carfr['k fri:]a.无忧无虑的

②kid[kid] n.(俚语)小孩;儿童;少年

③rhythm['riJ m]n.节奏;节奏的格调

④burdn['b :dn] n.负担;负重



本文描写的是作者童年时代的情况。引言段提出篇题(thsis)“carfr”。第二、三段是扩充段,分别写了两个主题(topic)。第二段围绕主题句(topic sntnc)“My parnts nvr forcd m to do anything.”写父母不强迫自已干任何事情,第三段围绕主题句“Nor did my parnts stop m from doing anything.”写父母也不阻止自已干任何事情。这样,作者从正反两方面说明自己的童年是无忧无虑的这一篇题。在结尾段里作者对全文作了总结:尽管自己的童年生活比较单调,也没有什么难以忘怀的东西,但却过得确实快活。最后,作者还发出了感慨:What is mor important than to giv a child a happy childhood? (什么能比给孩子一个快乐的童年更重要的呢?) 快乐的人:我的童年-My Childhood

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