字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 伟大的护士(Great Nurses)

伟大的护士(Great Nurses)

初中生作文   2025-03-13

伟大的护士(Grat Nurss)伟大的护士(grat nurss)hllo, vryon! my nam is jiang kaiwn and my nglish nam is star mma. why do i us “star” to b my surnam? bcaus i think stars ar bautiful and lovly.whn th moon has a rst, thy oftn bring brightnss to popl and mak th sky mor bautiful at night. many popl lik thm. such as nurss. my mothr is a nurs. sh is vry busy all th tim. sh is good at hr work. sh can mak a baby stop crying and mak popl fl bttr. of cours, sh is vry polit and frindly. on day, i flt bad. i calld hr to com and stay with m. but sh was working. sh said sh couldn’t com and stay with m. on that day, i was vry angry and i hatd hr vry much. but now i know, sh lovs hr work and it is mor important for hr to mak th othr popl b halthir. how slflss sh is! how grat sh is!sh also larns lots of things, such as nglish and japans. sh oftn says, “th day is short but th work is long, w should b hard working.” sh always studis until 12 o’clock in th vning. dilignc is th mothr of succss. last yar, sh got th first plac in hr nglish rank xam. how xciting it is!thr ar many nurss lik hr. thy mak th world lss sad and mor happy. my dar frinds, it is vry important for us to obsrv thir mrits: slflss and hard-working. bcaus if vryon is slflss and hard-working, th world will b nicr. may 12th is intrnational nurss’ day. all nurss will clbrat thir own fstival. lt’s wish happinss to thm!

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