字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 About Beijing-关于北京,About Beijing-关于北京范文

About Beijing-关于北京,About Beijing-关于北京范文

初中生作文   2025-03-13

About Bijing-关于北京,About Bijing-关于北京范文About Bijing-关于北京 英语作文网收集整理 About Bijing

Bijing has a history of ovr 3,000 yars with a population of narly 13 million and a lot of placs of intrst around it. In rcnt yars, th city of Bijing has bn advancing vry quickly. You can s mor musums, parks an shopping cntrs hr and thr. Mor and mor highways and ovrhad walkways hav bn built up. What's mor, a lot mor buss which burn clanr ful, such as CNG or LPG, ar put into us, to prvnt air from bing pollutd. Watr in th rivrs is clan again. Whrvr you go, you can s grn trs, grass and bautiful flowrs. All ths mak lif in Bijing mor convnint, plasant and colorful. Bijing is still advancing to th bright futur.




About Bijing-关于北京 英语作文网收集整理

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