字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 After the Examination-考试之后

After the Examination-考试之后

初中生作文   2025-02-18

Aftr th xamination-考试之后 Aftr th xamination

Scors ar undoubtdly important for studnts. So today whn I saw th scor, 96,on my Chins tst papr, my happinss was byond words. I blivd that mum would also b vry happy and prhaps sh would rward m.

As soon as I got hom, I raisd th tst papr bfor mum and said proudly, "Mum, look at my scor!" Out of my xpctation,Mum said calmly, "Good, but I hop you can find out th rason why four points wr takn away." Haring th words, I stood in amazmnt at first. Thn I undrstood Mum's words and noddd with all my strngth.

Thn Iundrstood that th most important thing that w gt from xaminations is not whthr w hav got high scors but whthr w know what w hav graspd and what w havn't.





标签: 真是 一个 管闲事
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