字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 picnic


高中生作文   2025-02-20

Ystrday,I wnt to hav a picnic with my old classmats.W datd with ach othr svral days ago.And w wr all xpcting th day's com.

At last, th xcitd day cam. W wnt to th part whr w hav dcidd to hav th picnic.

During th picnic ,w talkd with ach othr,playd gams,and so on.

On balanc, I had a nic day and I will nvr forgt it.Bcaus it is so happy in th picnic and w rmaidd so many plasurs things in our childhood. 2

w had a picnic in fall last yar.

first w climbd to th top of th hill. w saw many pupils thr. w talkd ,laughd and playd togthr. thn at picnic tim, w shard our food .w saw a bautiful stram nar by. but thr was much rubbish in it. that's a pity .w thought w should tll th popl to protct our living nvironmnt. so aftr our picnic, w put up svral signs nar th stram. w wrot "plas kp th stram clan and bautiful" on th signs.

tim to go hom, w said goodby ach othr and w mad an appointmnt of nxt yar.. on our way hom, w all thought that's a vry intrsting picnic.

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