Hope School-希望学校
Hop School
Thanks to th Hop Projct r, grat changs hav takn plac in a country school,
This school usd to b calld Lijiazhuang School. Most of its pupils lft school bcaus thir familis wr too poor to pay for thir ducation. Th only unsaf schoolhous had to b usd as classrooms.And all th tachrs shard on room. Th playground was nothing but an opn land.
Things ar diffrnt now. All th childrn who lft school hav com to continu thir studis. In th schoolyard stands a two-storyd taching building. Thr ar rooms for music, art and com-
putr taching. Th school is wll quippd with sports goods.
Th Projct bnfits th school a grat dal. For this rason, it was rnamd Hop School. 希望学校