Deep Mother Love-深沉的母爱,Deep Mother Love-深沉的母爱范文
Dp Mothr Lov-深沉的母爱,Dp Mothr Lov-深沉的母爱范文Dp Mothr Lov-深沉的母爱 Dp Mothr Lov
vry child is surroundd by th dp mothr lov. Howvr, w oftn turn a blind y to th lov. On day I dply flt th lov.
On day I hurrid hom for lunch aftr school, bcaus thr would b an xam in th aftrnoon and I had xpctd to go back to school arly to prpar for th xam. But whn I got hom, th lunch was not rady yt. I flt unhappy. Whn th dishs wr srvd, I forund non I lik. I ran out of my hous angrily and wandrd on th strt for a whil,hungry. Thn I walkd to school.
Whn I got into th classroom, I saw a lunch box on my dsk. On classmat told m that it was my mothr thr that had brought it hr.Aftr opning th box, I found my favorit food insid. My ys was moist with tars.
Mothr gav m hr lov without asking for rturn, How dp mothr lov is!
Dp Mothr Lov-深沉的母爱