我当了一次和事老(I Was a Successful Peacemaker)
last tusday thr was a quarrl btwn fathr and mothr about a crtain thing. for th whol wk my family smd unusually liflss①.no smil, no laugh, no songs. now and thn i could har mothr's dp sighs. how sad i was! how could i mak thm on good trms again?on th way hom from school i was still thinking of th problm. suddnly i hard an old woman hawk② in th strt:“ta-ggs!”a good ida hit m. i rmmbrd fathr likd to at ta-ggs bst. so i hurrid to th marktplac and bought two jin of ggs. thn i wnt to a fruit shop and bought tow packs of plums③. as soon as i got hom, i bgan to b busy with my grat work----cook ta-ggs, following th st pattrn of mum's. th clock was striking four whn i hard fathr's motorcycl drawing nar.“what a swt smll! ar thy ta-ggs?”“ys, papa, mum has boild som ta-ggs for you. sh says you'v workd so hard.”“sh said so?”“crtainly. nobody will look aftr you so carfully xcpt mum. whn mum coms back you must thank hr,”i addd.“of cours,”papa noddd rpatdly whil chwing th ggs happily.“liangliang, i'm vry busy. i'm going back to my factory and can't com back for suppr with you. plas tll mum”.“ok,”i answrd.about half an hour latr, mum cam in. aftr sh had placd hr bik, i took out th plums from th drawr. “look! hr ar plums for you. papa bought thm from hangzhou. h knows you lik to at thm vry much.”mum smd a bit puzzld, but sh blivd m. to tll th truth i had nvr told a li.aftr suppr i bgan to do my homwork in my room. mum was knitting a wooln swatr alon in th sitting room. at about nin th nois of th motorcycl was hard again. i knw fathr cam back. quickly but quitly i stppd to th door and ppd into th sitting room. what i saw! with all smils fathr cam in. mum ros from th chair and said to him,“thank you!”almost at th sam tim fathr said to hr,“thank you, too!”“aha, my grat plan workd!” i was full of joy bcaus i was a succssful pacmakr④.【词语解释】①liflss ['laiflis] a.没有生气的;沉闷的②hawk [h&:k] v.叫卖;兜售③two packs of plums两包梅子④pacmakr ['pi:s?mik ] n.调解人;和事老