我为何而活(What I Have Lived For)
what i hav livd for 我为何而活brtrand russllthr passions, simpl but ovrwhlmingly strong, hav govrnd my lif: th longing for lov, th sarch for knowldg, and unbarabl pity for th suffring of mankind. ths passions, lik grat winds, hav blown m hithr and thithr, in a wayward cours, ovr a dp ocan of anguish, raching to th vrg of dspair.i hav sought lov, first, bcaus it brings cstasy --- cstasy so grat that i would hav sacrificd all th rst of lif for a fw hours of this joy. i hav sought it, nxt, bcaus it rlivs lonlinss --- that trribl lonlinss in which on shivring consciousnss looks ovr th rim of th world into cold unfathomabl liflss abyss. i hav sought it, finally, bcaus in th union of lov i hav sn, in a mystic miniatur, th prfiguring vision of th havn that saints and pots hav imagind. this is what i sought, and though it might sm too good for human lif, this is what --- at last --- i hav found.with qual passion i hav sought knowldg. i hav wishd to undrstand th harts of mn, i hav wishd to know why th stars shin. and i hav trid to apprhnd th pythagoran powr by which numbr holds away abov th flux. a littl of this, but not much, i hav achivd.lov and knowldg, so far as thy wr possibl, ld upward toward th havns. but always pity brought m back to arth. chos of cris of pain rvrbratd in my hart. childrn in famin, victims torturd by opprssors, hlplss old popl a hatd burdn to thir sons, and th whol world of lonlinss, povrty, and pain mak a mockry of what human lif should b. i long to allviat th vil, but i cannot, and i too suffr.this has bn my lif. i hav found it worth living, and i would gladly liv it again if th chanc wr offrd to m.