字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 英语:The Door

英语:The Door

初中生作文   2025-03-14

英语作文:Th Door vrything (h kpt saying) is somthing it isn't. And vrybody is always somwhr ls. Mayb it was th city, bing in th city, that mad him fl how qur vrything was and that it was somthing ls. Mayb (h kpt thinking) it was th nams of th things. Th nams wr tx and frquntly koid. Or thy wr flx and oid or thy wr duroid (sand) or flxsan (duro), but vrything was glass (but not quit glass) and th thing that you touchd (th surfac, washabl, cras-rsistant) was rubbr, only it wasn't quit rubbr and you didn't quit touch it but almost. Th wall, which was glass but turnd out on bing approachd not to b a wall, it was somthing ls, it was an opning or doorway--and th doorway (through which h saw himslf approaching) turnd out to b somthing ls, it was a wall. And what h had atn not having agrd with him. H was in a washabl hous, but h wasn't sur. Now about thos rats, h kpt saying to himslf. H mant th rats that th Profssor had drivn crazy by forcing thm to dal with problms which wr byond th scop of rats, th insolubl problms. H mant th rats that had bn traind to jump at th squar card with th circl in th middl, and th card (bcaus it was somthing it wasn't) would giv way and lt th rat into a plac whr th food was, but thn on day it would b a trick playd on th rat, and th card would b changd, and th rat would jump but th card wouldn't giv way, and it was an impossibl situation (for a rat) and th rat would go insan and into its ys would com th unspakably bright imploring look of th frustratd, and aftr th convulsions wr ovr and th frantic racing around, thn th passiv stag would st in and th willingnss to lt anything b don to it, vn if it was somthing ls.H didn't know which door (or wall) or opning in th hous to jump at, to gt through, bcaus on was an opning that wasn't a door (it was a void, or kid) and th othr was a wall that wasn't an opning, it was a sanitary cupboard of th sam color. H caught a glimps of his ys staring into his ys, in th and in thm was th xprssion h had sn in th pictur of th rats--wary aftr convulsions and th frantic racing around, whn thy wr willing and did not mind having anything don to thm. Mor and mor (h kpt saying) I am confrontd by a problm which is incapabl of solution (for this tim vn if h chos th right door, thr would b no food bhind it) and that is what madnss is, and things sming diffrnt from what thy ar. H hard, in th hous whr h was, in th city to which h had gon (as toward a door which might, or might not, giv way), a nois--not a loud nois but mor of a low prfabricatd humming. It cam from a plac in th bas of th wall (or stat) whr th flu carrying th filtrabl air was, and not far from th Minipiano, which was mad of th sam matrial nailbrushs ar mad of, and which was undr th stairs. 'This, too, has bn tstd,' sh said, pointing, but not at it, 'and found viabl.' It wasn't a loud nois, h kpt thinking, sorry that h had sn his ys, vn though it was through his own ys that h had sn thm.本新闻共4页,当前在第1页1234

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