字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 新年晚会-New Year Party

新年晚会-New Year Party

初中生作文   2025-03-06

新年晚会-Nw Yar PartyNw Yar Party

On Nw Yar's v, our class had a party. Th atmosphr was good. It was out of th ordinary from th vry bgining. Th boy studnt from on bdroom gav an unusual prformanc. W saw a boy namd Li Xinmin turn off all th lights in a suddn snap. Thn with thr rsounding crow of a cock choing in th hall, th hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Thn, th rprsntativ of th bdroom Zhu Guozhang askd us to guss a lin of a pom rlatd to th abov situation. H addd that Li Xinmin alon was born in th yar of th dog and th othr thr wr all born in th yar of th chickn. Thy lft us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwittd. H shoutd our, "Th day braks as th cock crows thr tims at dawn." Th hall Aftr that, thy had anothr itm. This tim Li Xinmin was placd in th middl of th circl. Whil h was standing thr, th othr thr stood around him, ach bowing down to him at an angl of 120 dgrs. It was an idiom. This tim I got it right:"Th dog stands out among a group of chickns."

Thn w all sang and playd gams until it was lvn o'clock at night. Th old man on night watch cam to turn off th lights. W had to tar ourslvs away from th party.

From this activity, I discovrd that many of our classmats ar rally talntd singrs.







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