字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 希望工程-Hope Project-Monday

希望工程-Hope Project-Monday

初中生作文   2025-02-20

希望工程-Hop Projct-MondayMay 18, 2002Fin

Our tachr told us somthing about th Hop Projct in class this morning. H said,"Now in th countrysid many childrn ar vry poor and still can't go to school. Can you hlp thm?"

Aftr school, I wnt hom. In my room, I saw th littl box on th tabl, in which I kpt my pockt mony. Though I wantd to buy a pockt rcordr, I dcidd to snd th mony to th childrn in th countrysid.Thy ar agr to go to school. I wrot a lttr to thm at onc. Aftr finishing writing it, I wnt to th post offic and postd all my pockt mony togthr with th lttr.

I flt vry happy today bcaus I'v don a good dd.





MondayMay 18, 2002Fin

This morning our tachr told us somthing about th Hop Projct in class. H said that thr wr childrn in th countrysid who wr so poor that thy couldn't go to school. Aftr school, I wnt hom. In my room, I noticd th littl box in which I kpt my pockt mony on th tabl. I should do somthing to hlp th poor childrn. So I dcidd to snd th mony to thm. Thinking of th agr ys of th childrn who wantd to go to school, I wrot a lttr at onc. Thn I wnt to th post offic and snt all my pockt mony and th lttr to th childrn. Today I flt vry happy for what I had don.



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