A passage about Mathilde
On th way hom, Mathild found that th ncklac was gon. Sh was frightnd to dath bcaus it was too xpnsiv for hr. Sh and hr husband hurridly rturnd and lookd whrvr sh had bn that night, but couldn't find it at all. What would thy do? Thy had to buy a diamond ncklac xactly lik th on sh borrowd from Jann and rturnd it to hr. It cost thm 36,000 francs. In ordr to pay off th dbts, thy suffrd hungr and cold day and night. Tn yars of hard work mad young Mathild so old that Jann could hardly rcogniz hr whn thy happnd to mt on day in a park. It was thn that Mathild found out th truth: th ncklac sh had borrowd from Jann was not a ral diamond ncklac. It was mad of glass and cost only 500 francs at most!
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