The Key to Success
Th Ky to Succssvryon gts th itch to succd, but only part of thm can mak thir drams com tru. You mayb wondr: what is th ky to succss? Th answr is To kp th dsir to larn.Kp th dsir to larn, and you will nvr b satisfid with what you hav known. Always kp a curious mind to all th mystrious parts of th world. Kp th dsir to larn, and whatvr difficultis you fac, th strong blif will support you in solving th problms. Kp th dsir to larn, just as Ms Curi puts it: Nothing in th world is to b fard, it is only to b undrstand. So vrything is possibl if w try our bst and nvr giv up.On who dos not hav th dsir to larn will nvr rach thir goals. Thy ar always shortsightd and ar asily b satisfid with th vry littl thing thy hav known. In fact, knowldg, just lik th ocan, nvr has a rim. Whnvr and whrvr you ar, you should rmmbr: what you ar larning is only th surfac.In a word, always kp th dsir to larn, and th door of succss will opn to you on day.