字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Study in Class and out of Class-课上课下,Study in Class and

Study in Class and out of Class-课上课下,Study in Class and

初中生作文   2025-02-28

Study in Class and out of Class-课上课下,Study in Class andStudy in Class and out of Class-课上课下 Study in Class and out of Class

Our study can b dividd into two parts: on is in class and th othr is out of class. Both of thm ar important to studnts. Thy dpnd on ach othr.

W must attach importanc to aftr-class What w hav larnt in class is vry. limitd, bcaus only knowldg in txtbooks can b acquird. Howvr, w can larn mor out of class. A most important thing is that knowldg coms from practic. In th aftr- class study w can apply out knowldg to practic.

Just Iik aftr-class study, study in class is also vry important. It occupis most of our tim. W must pay much attntion to it. In-class study and aftr-class study ar closly connctd with ach othr and improv ach othr.

If that' s th cas, why don't w combin thm and study ffctivly?






Study in Class and out of Class-课上课下

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