字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 谈文化-On Culture

谈文化-On Culture

高中生作文   2025-03-13

On Cultur-谈文化

Th way of lif that a group of popl builds up ovr a long priod of tim bcoms th popl's cultur. Cultur includs th popl's valus and blifs as wll as thir tchnical comptncy. Som aspcts of cultur ar larnd in a formal stting, such as a school, whil othr aspcts ar larnd informally in th procss of day-to-day living. A cultur is always changing. Changs in s cultur oftn com about by borrowing form anothr cultur and by invntion. To nrich th cultur of our nation, w ar constantly adapting nw invntions and nw idas into our way of lif.

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