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高中生作文   2025-02-21

An Unforgttabl xprinc


This summr holiday, I wnt to Dalian with my family. W got thr by air. Dalian is a vry bautiful and modrn city. On th bus, w could s all kinds of buildings which wr grat.

In th morning, w got to th hotl whr w livd. Aftr brakfast, w bgan to our travl. First w took th bus to th Sa Park. Thr ar so many diffrnt kinds of fishs that I couldn’t bliv my ys. W also saw th show of dolphins. Thn w had lunch in a rstaurant. Th safood which was vry famous in China was dlicious.

Aftr lunch w wnt swimming. Th sa was blu and bach was goldn. W all njoyd ourslvs in th sa. Finally w wnt back th hotl whr w livd. W had a happy day.

In this trip, w also wnt to som placs which wr intrsting and famous in Dalian, wnt shopping and so on.

Svral days latr, w lft Dalian. On our way hom, w wr vry happy. This was th rason why w didn’t fl tird. In all, w had a good holiday.

An Unforgttabl xprinc

一次难忘的经历 高一(6)班 耿欢

Last summr, I wnt to Bidaih for my holiday with my family. W took a train bcaus th way is not far. W livd in a big hotl whr could s th sa . W stayd thr for thr days.

Th first day, w wnt for a walk along th sasid, and thn w wnt swimming and took a lot of intrsting photos thr. Th scond day, w wnt to a famous markt and bought many kpsaks. I was going to bring ths kpsaks for my frinds. Th last day, w had a good picnic on th sasid with th nativs. Thy actd all kinds of programms and mad us fl happy.

It’s a vry good journy, and w all njoyd ourslvs on thos days. If I hav anothr holiday, I will go thr again.

An Unforgttabl xprinc 高一(6)胡德军

I lik travling vry much. My trip to XiAn is rally unforgttabl. Bfor I wnt thr, I always wantd to s Bin Ma Yong, so I chos to go thr. I wnt to thr by train with my parnts and I had brakfast in th hotl. Thn w wnt thr by bus. Whn I got off th bus, I was vry xcitd. I saw a lot of fals man whos hand with all kinds of things. I took many picturs. Finally w wnt back th hotl in th aftrnoon. Though I was vry tird, I flt vry happy. I dwill nvr forgt it for vr.

An Unforgttabl xprinc

高一(6)班 张凤贤

During th last summr holiday, I wnt to th Amusmnt Park of Bijing. My ldr brothr told m that it was an intrsting plac. W startd out by car at 6:00. I saw a lot of popl including a forignr who has blu ys .

First I wnt to play rollr coastr that was vry xciting. Thn I wnt to play corsair that was vry unforgttabl. Finally I also playd any othr gams, which I had nvr playd. And I njoyd many bautiful sights.

I was so happy that I think this is on of my Unforgttabl Trip 高一(7)王峥

Whn I was a primary school studnt, my family and I took a trip to fiv citis which wr in th south of China.

First, w cam to Nanjing by plan. That was th first tim I had takn th plan and it took us an hour and a half to gt thr. W arrivd in Nanjing in th morning. At 11:30 w wnt to a rstaurant to hav lunch. Th food tastd dlicious. In th aftrnoon w wnt to “Zhongshanling”. It was th plac that prsrv th tomb of Mr. Sugshan.

Th nxt day, w cam to Wuxi and thn Suzhou whr w visitd th rgion of rivrs and laks of “周庄”. It was a bautiful and old plac. Th hous thr wr along th rivr and th womn always washd cloths at th bank.

Th fourth day, w cam to Hangzhou whr W visitd “Th Wst Lak. It was vry bautiful and th watr was clar . As w all know, Hangzhou is famous for silk and ta, so w bought som bautiful silk and famous ta of “龙井”.

Th last plac that w visitd was Shanghai. It was on of th biggst city is China. Th night viw in Shanghai was mor bautiful than Bijing. W visitd th TV towr of “东方明珠”. It was th third tallst towr in th world. Standing in th towr you could s th whol city. In th vning, w livd in a hotl with 25 floors. I was vry xcitd that vning.

This trip took us svn days and w wnt back to Bijing by plan. Th plan was vry vry big. Thr wr thr ngin rooms. I flt happy and I would nvr forgt th trip.

An Unforgttabl Trip

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