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高中生作文   2025-03-29


Th following tabl givs statistics showing th aspcts of quality of lif in fiv countris. Writ a rport for a univrsity lcturr dscribing th information in th tabl blow.

Country GNP pr had (1982: US dollars) Daily calori supply pr had Lif xpctancyat birth (yars) Infant mortality rats (pr 1000 liv births)

Bangladsh 140 1877 40 132

Bolivia 570 2086 50 124

gypt 690 2950 56 97

Indonsia 580 2296 49 87

USA 13160 3652 74 12

Th tabl uss four broad conomic indicators to show th standard of living in fiv slctd countris in 1982, including both th most dvlopd nation in th world and som of th lss dvlopd nations.

As can b sn from th statistics, th USA—on of th richst countris in th world—had th highst GNP and daily calori intak, th longst lif xpctancy and th lowst infant mortality rat. Th othr dvloping countris had a considrably lowr quality of lif. gypt, Indonsia and Bolivia wr similar in thir rang of indicators, with gypt having th highst quality of lif among th thr. Howvr, gypt’s infant mortality rat was slightly highr than Indonsia’s, at 97 daths pr 1000 compard to 87 in Indonsia. Bangladsh had by far th lowst quality of lif in all th four indicators. Its GNP was only about on-hundrdth that of th USA. Th figurs in trms of th daily calori supply pr had and lif xpctancy at birth in Bangladsh ar th half of thos rspctivly in USA, and its infant mortality rat was 10 tims gratr.

In conclusion, it can b sn from th conomic indicators that th four dvloping countris hav to dvlop a lot mor bfor raching th sam lvl of quality of lif as th USA. At th sam tim, th USA has th rsponsibility to hlp th othr countris to dvlop thir conomis and improv thir popl’s living standard.(239 words)

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