A piano player
What do I want to do whn Im oldr? Somon wants to b a doctor. Somon wants to b a basktball playr bcaus thy ar good at sport. Somon wants to b a writr and to mak th writing. Somon wants to b a tachr bcaus thy lik taching childrn. I lik playing th piano and I good at it. So I want to bcom a piano playr. Play th piano is vry intrsting. And you can larn somthing of music. Piano can mak you lik music. A lot of musician and singr ar lov playing piano. I play th piano whn Im tn yars old. Now Im in grand fiv. I hop whn Im sixtn yars old , I can bcom grand ight. Ill b hardr and hardr to practis. Bcom a piano play is a hard job. But I bliv I can do it.
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