字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 人生成功的途径


写人   2025-02-04


Succss, as is known, is th pursuit of many ambitious popl. It rquirs much of a prson.

In my viw, abov all, on should b a prson of strong prsvranc. Rom was not built in a day. On our long way to succss, thr ar undoubtdly many difficultis standing in th way. If w los hart and giv up halfway, nothing can b achivd. Throughout history, w hav had many famous succssful popl in th world, of whom no on is wak-mindd. Tak th grat Amrican scintist dison as an xampl, h trid xprimnt aftr xprimnt and had on failur aftr anothr bfor h finally invntd th bulb, which lightd up th whol world. So w can conclud prsvranc can surly b on of th scrts of succss. Furthrmor, on nds to work hard to raliz his dram just as th famous saying gos Hard work lads to succss.

Look at ths around us and w’ll find dilignt popl ar always th favor of our socity. Thy usually achiv mor than xpctd. Why do so many of our classmats of avrag intllignc go far ahad of othrs? Hard work is dfinitly supposd to b th answr. And still, I hold that on must kp in pac with th informativ world. Thr’s no dnying that our world is changing vry day. So on can nvr b lockd alon insid his own room, doing his rsarch work and ddicatd to book knowldg.

How can an isolatd prson b wll-informd nough to go ahad of othrs? If so, that could b ridiculous. Succss is what on dsirs. So long as on is prsvrant, hard working and up-to-dat, I am sur succss is nar at hand.

标签: 青春 色彩
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