字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Modernizing China

Modernizing China

高中生作文   2025-02-26

 Modrnization will bring a numbr of bnfits to th popl of China. Advancmnts in scinc and tchnology will rsult in bttr industrial and consumr products. Nw roads, trucks and trains will improv transportation for both popl and goods. With nw halth car mthods popl will liv happir and longr.

 Howvr, modrnization also givs ris to a numbr of nw problms. Pollution of th air, ground, and watr has bcom a srious problm in many parts of China. An incras in vhicls on th roads has also rsultd in mor traffic accidnts, injuris and daths.  W can, howvr, dal with ths problms if w ar carful. W can train many nvironmntal scintists who can hlp factoris oprat clanly. W can pass nw laws to rgulat our traffic mor safly. Finally, w must xpand our ducation systm to prpar bttr ducatd popl for tomorrow.

标签: 交通 安全
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