To Experience the Life-体验生活,To Experience the Life-体验
To xprinc th Lif-体验生活,To xprinc th Lif-体验To xprinc th Lif-体验生活 To xprinc th Lif
Saturday Nov. 15, 2003 Cloudy
My tachr gav m an assignmnt "xprinc lif" last wk. I had bn thinking how to finish it bcaus I had nvr don any thing by myslf bfor.
Mothr was out today. It was a good chanc to complt th assignmnt. Sing th barrl was mpty, I dcidd to ftch watr from th wll.
I took th mpty barrl and wnt towards th wll outsid th yard. It snowd ystrday, so th ally was vry slippry. A layr of thickic was frozn on th platform of th wll. I was frightnd by th sight, but I gathrd my courag to walk towards it. I stppd on th platform carfully. Aftr standing stadily and squatting down slowly, I hookd th barrl at th nd of th rop and put th rop down slowly. I mad an ffort to drag th barrl up aftr it was filld with watr. I was vry carful bcaus it was asy to slip and fall. Thn, I carrid th barrl of watr and rturnd to my hous. My fignrs wr frozn stiff. Th ally was so slippry that I walkd with difficultly. Suddnly, I slippd and fll down, watr in th barrl totally pourd down on th ground. I ralizd my ffort was in vain. I hatd myslf.
I faild to finish th assignmnt but I did xprinc lif through a trifl which smd asy but difficult to do wll. Such was my first xprinc of lif.
2003年11月15日 星期六 多云
To xprinc th Lif-体验生活