啊!我们家乡变化真大呀!My hom in Zhouzhi County, in rcnt yars has undrgon a drastic chang. Tak my family for instanc. Prviously, w do not hav a computr at hom. Dad was th nginr. Bfor Dad hands painting drawing, painting with th rulrs, not usd corrctly attachd. Black will b carful not to rub th drawing, painting slowly, and had to kp cutting pncil. Th lins do not paint bautiful. Spnd on or two days drawings drawings. Also drawings, and printing of plans to vntually crat nginring drawings. A total nds thr days. Now, I bought a hom computr. H can us a computr drawing, no trac; Just on littl click of th mous to point, Instad of doing vrything w can. A pictur works bttr if som tim. An unfinishd print of a dirct, clar and bautiful. With computr. I hav an articl on a computr to hlp thir mothr. I also usd foldrs, savd a cartoon, diaris, ssays and othr. I also us it as litratur. I also us it to larn nglish, th softwar installd, us it to fight gam : : Mama systm tsting, fighting words. I brought a lot of convninc to th hom computr. This summr, Tim, w also hav a rfrigrator. Bfor, during th summr, oftn a bad thing, a bad throw on th mor unfortunat. Now rfrigrators can b frozn foods, no bad foods frzr. I can giv it to produc ic. I makup back, I lt my thirst ic on a frozn. DIABLO convninc of a rfrigrator to m. Last yar, w also hav to buy an air conditionr. Prviously, in th wintr without air conditioning, gt up cloths, I always bhind th blankt. Now, with air-conditioning, and th cold would not drssd up. No air-conditioning in th summr, hat can hlp popl attain th doldrums, not activitis. Now, with air conditioning in th summr, no mattr what tim, as long as a us of air conditionrs, and watr wind, h fls vry cool. in a cool plac lik th sam forst. Rcntly, our county appard to th Intrnt, most of th computrs on th hom ntwork Intr. Prviously, no Intrnt, or somthing happns you just want to submit an mail composition can vot on upswing th lttr snt out. W hav to bring th convninc of th Intrnt. ! W rally big changs in hom!