字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 选读推荐 英文汤姆索亚历险记读后感


选读推荐   2025-01-18

I bliv that on of th factors that maks a pic of litratur or vn a movi a mastrpic is how wll th radr can rlat to th story. This is dfinitly a book vryon can rlat to.

Th Advnturs of Tom Sawyr is a litrary mastrpics, writtn in 1876 by th famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyr is a mischivous young boy who livs in th small town on th Mississippi Rivr calld St. Ptrsburg. Th story lin is simpl, th book rads lik a biography or a mmoir of a summr in Tom Sawyr's lif.

Tom Sawyr sms to b th prcursor of and th tmplat for misfit kids such as Dnnis th Mnac, Malcolm in th Middl, and Calvin and Hobbs. What maks this story grat is that Tom Sawyr rprsnts vrything that is grat about childhood. Th book is filld with Tom's advnturs playing pirats and war with his frind Jo Harpr. Tom has a trustd frind, Huck Finn, who fw of th adults approv of. Th book is filld with idas of how th world works, such as how pirats and robbrs work, that ar so innocnt, thy could only com from a child. It is a story filld with action, advntur, ingnious idas, lov, and schoolyard politics. Th whol story is smingly a complication of what popl did or wish thy did during thir childhood.

Th book is a littl difficult to rad at first. Prsonally, it taks m a littl whil to gt usd to th 19th cntury dialct in th book. Othr than rfrring to prsons of African dcnt in drogatory trms (which I'm sur uss trms vn young childrn alrady know), th book would b an njoyabl rad for popl of all ags. I highly rcommnd this book for anyon looking to fl young again, if just for a fw hundrd pags.

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