字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我与奥运,我与奥运范文


初中生作文   2025-02-05

我与奥运,我与奥运范文我与奥运 由英语作文网收集整理 Nw Bijing, Grat OlympicsTh 2008 Olympic Gam has bn th most chrful and anticipatd vnt throughout Bijing vr sinc Bijing was rwardd th right to host th 2008 Summr Olympic Gams, yt th focus should b shiftd from making a promis to fulfilling th promis mad. In my point of viw, to bridg th gap btwn th promis and rality, Bijing still has a long way to go. To bgin with, infrastructur construction should b th primary concrn. Such infrastructurs as communications and transportation systm and facilitis ought to draw our constant attntion. First, traffic jam has bn an agold hadach in Bijing. Th scn of long quus of vhicls worming thir way inch by inch will surly caus grat incontinnc, and blmish th imag of th city manwhil. Nxt, to add nchantmnt to convninc, ovrall cityplanning is indispnsabl. Tim prmitting, a rdsign of city layout and adjustmnt of architctural styl would provid a bttr nvironmnt for fostring th charactristic, blnding, orintal lganc with intrnational grandur, will towr aloft among surrounding architcturs. To achiv such ffct, Bijing shall solicit opinions from firstrat architcts and mak an ovrall plan. Thirdly, quality of th population should b improvd. To mak an intrnational mtropolis, both “hardwar” and “softwar” ar important. Howvr, Rom was not built in a day. To carry out th promis of “Nw Bijing, Grat Olympics”, dds spak loudr than words. 我与奥运 由英语作文网收集整理

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