语文课上,老师让同学们列两张清单,一张是自己抱怨的事,一张是自己感恩的事。 我将这两张清单罗列完之后又重新逐条看了一遍。抱怨的事中第一件就是快中考了。是啊,中考,在我的想法里早已被压力、担心、紧张等等等等里三层外三层地围了个水泄不通。而不可否认的是,在感恩清单上的第一件事也是中考,因为中考过后可以升到高一级学府,而且还有近两个月的长假,那是很令人期待的事啊。 可见,无论是抱怨还是感激,都有内在的联系。我憎恨考试,它让我时时刻刻都那么紧张;我厌恶父母永无休止的唠叨,使我不得尽事随意开心颜。但我感激一次又一次的考试,让我认清自己的不足,更感谢父母的唠叨,这些唠叨句句都是关爱,让我不会迷失,更不会在无垠的人生旷野上走丢。 我们之所以抱怨那么多的事情,是因为它们令我们身心俱疲,打击在我们的最软弱处最悲哀处。然而,我们是否想过正是这些磨练使我们的脆弱处变得坚忍,从而提升了自己。 所以,我们抱怨的那些事情,也正是我们最应该感激的啊! 感激不如意的成绩,感激令人疲惫的体能训练,感激父母的唠唠叨叨,感激即将到来的中考这些曾经都是抱怨清单的住户,如今却在我的感恩清单上居住,并且是永驻! 同那么多的抱怨,挥手作别吧,让它们成为我们的感恩基石,感激它们的历练使我们得到了真真正正彻彻底底的成长。 In th languag class, tachr lts schoolmats arrang in ordr two dtaild lists, on mattr which is complaind, on mattr which is fls gratful.aftr I displayd ths two dtaild lists, on by on lookd again. In th complaint mattr first was quick tsts. Ys, tsts, in min ida by th prssur, th worry, anxious and so on and so on with hug crowds of popl hav alrady bn ncircld watrtight. What but is undniabl, in fls gratful in th dtaild list first mattr is also tsts, bcaus will tst might ris from now on to th high first-lvl school, will also hav narly two month-long long vacations, that will b maks th mattr which vry much on anticipatd. is obvious, rgardlss of bing th complaint or fls gratful, has th intrinsic rlation. I hat th tst, it lts m so b all th tim anxious; I will loath th parnts forvr ndlss talking incssantly, will caus m not to th compltly mattr b optional th happy fac. But I fl gratful th tst tim and tim again, lts m clarly rcogniz that own insufficincy, thank parnts talking incssantly, ths will talk incssantly ar show loving concrn, lt m not los, will not walk in th boundlss lif wildrnss loss.th rason that w complaind that many mattrs, ar bcaus thy mak our body and mind to b all wary, attacks wakly in us plac most sorrowful plac. Howvr, w whthr to hav thought is prcisly ths disciplins causs us frail plac bcoms ndurs, thus has promotd itslf.thrfor , w complaind ths mattrs, is also prcisly w most should fl gratful! th gratitud unplasant rsult, fls gratful th fatigusom physical ability training, gratful parnts chattring, th gratitud soon arrivs tsts ......Ths onc wr th complaint dtaild list inhabitant, now actually in I fl gratful th dtaild list on to liv, and will b will forvr b stationd! with that many complaints, wavs th hand maks farwll spch, nabls thm to bcom us to fl gratful th cornrston, flt gratful thy to nabl us to grow tru thorough informd and xprincd.