字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Summer Evenings-夏夜,Summer Evenings-夏夜范文

Summer Evenings-夏夜,Summer Evenings-夏夜范文

高中生作文   2025-01-26

Summr vnings-夏夜 英语 On fair and clar vnings in th country I njoy looking up at th stars in th sky. Th vnings ar warm and calm, and th havns sm so clos that you can touch th stars. Somtims I try to rcogniz as I can. Bcaus th air in th villag is lss pollutd by th smok and strt lights than in th city, I can s th stars distinctly. Occasionally I will s falling stars draw bright lins in th sky. Thr is harmony btwn th moon and stars in th quit sky and th slow pac of th villag. I rally njoy th pacful summr vnings in th villag. Summr vnings-夏夜 英语

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