字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Punishments from the Nature-大自然的惩罚,Punishments from th

Punishments from the Nature-大自然的惩罚,Punishments from th

初中生作文   2025-02-28

Punishmnts from th Natur-大自然的惩罚,Punishmnts from thPunishmnts from th Natur-大自然的惩罚 Punishmnts from th Natur

A woodcuttr and a woodpckr livd in th forst. Th woodcuttr usd to cut down trs to catch inscts to mak hr living. Yar aftr yar thy did th sam things.

But on day whn th woodcuttr cam to th forst, h found th forst had disappard. H could only s th stumps around him. Thn h hard sombody crying. H lookd around and saw th bird standing on a stump and crying.

Ys, now thr was no wood, no inscts. How would thy mak thir living? Thy wr punishmnts from th natur.





Punishmnts from th Natur-大自然的惩罚

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