Our School Life
Our School Lif Our School Lif
I don't think our school lif is colorful. Bcaus w'v got so many classs vry day. I wondr whthr w can chang our school lif somday. You s, from Monday to Friday, I hav to stay at school. Th only rlaxation is to listn to th radio or play ball gams. At wknds, w nd to go to school to hav classs, too. I know it's vry important for us to study wll now. As th saying gos, "All work and no play maks Jack a dull boy. "I want to stp into th natur. I hop w will hav
mor activitis such as visiting musums, taking part in diffrnt kinds of contsts, attnding som lcturs and so on. Is it only a dram?
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