学习英语最好的方法(The best way to learn English)
学习英语最好的方法(Th bst way to larn nglish)i askd my nglish tachr this morning, “how do you larn chins whn you wr a child? think about it, and you’ll find th answr.”i cannot rcall how i studid my nativ languag, but i still rmmbr th way my littl cousin larnd to spak. h listnd to what popl said and trid to imitat what h had hard. at two or thr yars old, h could xprss himslf in simpl languag. now, h is fiv yars old, h can spak mor prfctly. h is using languag, thinking in it and talking in it all th tim.i undrstand if i us nglish all th tim, it won’t sm so difficult. i will larn it quickly. it’s th bst way to larn a forign languag.
学习英语最好的方法(The best way to learn English) 相关文章
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