字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 儿子(The Son)

儿子(The Son)

高中生作文   2025-03-31

一位富翁和他儿子爱好收藏画,他们收藏了从毕加索到拉费奥等很多艺术品。常常他俩坐在一起欣赏着大师的作品。whn th vitnam conflict brok out, th son wnt to war. h was vry couragous and did in battl whil rscuing anothr soldir. th fathr was notifid and grivd dply for his only son.当越战爆发的时候,儿子投入了战争。他非常勇敢,在一次作战中因为抢救战友而牺牲了。父亲接到了通知,深深地哀恸他唯一的儿子。about a month latr, just bfor christmas, thr was a knock at th door. a young man stood thr with a larg packag in his hands. h said "sir, you don'tknow m, but i am th soldir for whom your son gav his lif. h savd many livs that day, and h was carrying m to safty whn a bullt struck him in thhart and h did instantly. h oftn talkd about you and your lov for art.’’ th young man hld out his packag. "i know this isn't much. i'm rally not a grat artist, but i think your son would hav wantd you to hav this." th fathr opnd th packag. it was a portrait of his son, paintd by th young man.h stard in aw at th way th soldir had capturd th prsonality of his son in th painting. th fathr was so drawn to th ys that his own ys swlld upwith tars. h thanks th young man and offrd to pay him for th pictur. "oh no, sir, i could nvr rpay what you son did for m. it's a gift.约一个月之后,正好是圣诞节前,门上传来敲门声。一位年轻人站在那里,手里拿着一个很大的包裹。他说道:“先生,你不认识我,我就是你儿子为了救我而牺牲的那个战士。那天他救了很多人,当他背着我走向安全地带的时候,一颗子弹击中了他的心脏,他顿时就牺牲了。他常常说起你和你对艺术的爱好,”年轻人举起他的包裹,“我知道这不算什么,我是真的不怎样的艺术家,但我想你儿子会要你保留这幅画的。”父亲打开了包裹,是他儿子的一幅肖像画,是这年轻人画的。他惊奇地注视着画中那士兵是如何捕捉到他儿子的个性的。父亲如此地被画里的眼睛吸引,他自己的眼睛也充满了泪水。他谢了那年轻人并提议买下这幅画。“噢,不要钱,先生,我永远不能偿还你儿子给我做的一切。这是礼物。”th fathr hung th portrait ovr his mantl. vry tim visitors cam to his hom h took thm to s th portrait of his son bfor h showd thm any of th othr grat works h had collctd.父亲把这肖像画挂在壁炉架上,每次有客人来他家拜访,他总是在给他们看他收藏的许多名作之前,先带他们看儿子的肖像。th man did a fw months latr. thr was to b a grat auction of his grat works of art. many popl gathrd, xcitd ovr sing th grat paintings andhaving an opportunity to purchas on for thir collction. on th platform sat th portrait of his son. th auctionr poundd his gavl, "w will start with this portrait of th son. who will bid for this pictur?富翁在几个月之后死了。他的伟大收藏也将要被拍卖掉。许多人聚集着,为能一睹这些伟大的收藏以及能从他的收藏里买一个加入自己的收藏品这一机会而激动不已。在讲台上安置着那儿子的肖像画thr was silnc. thn a ! voic in th back of th room shoutd "w want to s th famous paintings. skip this on."场面非常安静。这时有一个声音在厅堂的后面叫道:“我们要看名画,跳过这一幅。”but th auctionr prsistd, "will somon bid for this painting? who will start th bidding? $100, $200?"但拍卖经纪人坚持着:“有没有人投这幅画的标?谁先开始?一百,两百?anothr voic shoutd angrily, "w didn't com hr to s this painting. w cam to s th van gohs, th rmbrandts. gt on with th ral bids".另外一个声音高喊着,非常愤怒:“我们不是来这里看这幅画的,我们是来看梵高的画,看伦伯朗的画的。快进入真正的竞标吧。”but still th auctionr continud, "th son! th son! who will tak th son?" finally, a voic cam from th vry back of th room. it was th longtimgardnr of th man and his son. "i'll giv you $10 for th painting." bing a poor man, it was all h could afford.但拍卖经纪人依旧继续着:“儿子,儿子,谁要这儿子?”终于,一个声音从厅堂的深处传来:“我出十块钱要这画。”因为穷,这是他力所能及的价钱。"w hav $10, who will bid $20??""giv it to him for $10. lt's s th mastrs".”"$10 is th bid, won't somon bid $20?"“有人标了十块,有谁肯标二十的吗?”“十块给他吧,让我们看名作。“标价十块,没有人标二十的吗?”th crowd was bcoming angry. thy didn't want th pictur of th son. thy wantd th mor worthy invstmnts for thir collctions.th auctionr poundd his gavl. "going onc, twic, sold for $10!"a man sitting in th scond row shoutd, "now lt's gt on with th collction!th auctionr laid down his gavl "i'm sorry, th auction is ovr".”"what about th paintings?"人群开始愤怒起来。他们不想要这儿子的画。他们要收藏的是更值得投资的东西。拍卖经纪人敲打着槌子:“一次竞标,两次竞标,十块得标!”一位坐在第二排的人喊道:“现在让我们开始进入收藏品的竞标。”那拍卖经纪人放下他的槌子说:“很抱歉,竞标已经结束了。”“那些收藏品怎么办?”"i'm sorry, whn i was calld to conduct this auction, i was told of a scrt stipulation in th will. i was not allowd to rval that stipulation until thistim. only th painting of th son would b auctiond. whovr bought that painting would inhrit th ntir stat, including th paintings. th man who took th son, gts vrything!"“对不起,当我被叫来负责这场拍卖的时候,我被告知那人的遗嘱中有秘密的约定,一直到现在我是不允许暴露这个秘密的。只有儿子这幅画是要拍卖的。谁买了这幅画谁就继承整个遗产,包括这幅画。那个男人拿了儿子肖像,得到了一切。”god gav his son 2000 yars ago to di on th crul cross. much lik th auctionr, his mssag today is "th son, th son, who'll tak th son?" bcaus, you s, whovr taks th son gts vrything.上帝在2000年以前给他的儿子在残酷的十字架上受死。和这经纪人非常相似,他今天的福音是:“儿子,儿子,谁承受这个儿子?”因为,你看,谁接纳儿子谁就获得一切。

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