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Michael Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹

叙事   2025-03-29

Michael Jordan From Beijing to Bucharest people like Michael Jordan. So when he suddenly retired last week, the news was reported around the world. Michael Jordan is widely considered as basketball's best player. He becomes known as Air Jordan. Jordan gained wide notice by helping to sell products, business paid him tens of millions of dollars. Michael Jordan is thirty years old. He attended the University of North Carolina. He joined the Chicago Bulls nine years ago. He led the team to the National Basketball Association Championship for the past three years. He was the top scoring player in the NBA for the past seven years. He also won Olympic gold medals. In July Jordan's father was murdered in North Carolina. James Jordan and his son were close friends. Michael Jordan says it means a lot to him that his father saw his last game. But he says his father's death was not the reason he retired. He says he had been considering the idea for a few years. Jordan is the third major NBA player to retire in the last three years, Magic Johnson of the Los Angeles Lakers retired two years ago because he has the virus that caused AIDS. Last year Larry Bird of the Boston's Seltic retired because of back problem. Jordan's skill helped increase the popularity of the basketball. Sports centers sold all their seats when the Chicago Bulls played there. In announcing his retirement, Jordan said he had nothing left to prove in basketball. He says he does not have the desire to play any more. From now on he wants to spend time with his family and return to as normal a life as possible. However, he says he might consider returning to the basketball one day. Michael Jordan says he does not believe in the word "NEVER".迈克尔·乔丹 从北京到不加勒斯特,几乎所有的人都喜欢乔丹。所以,当他上周突然宣布退役时,全世界都报道了这条消息。迈克尔·乔丹被公认为最出色的篮球运动员。他似乎能带球在空中飞行,因而以“飞人乔丹”著称于世。由于帮商家推销产品,乔丹获得了全世界的关注,而他也从中得到了数千万美元的报酬。迈克尔·乔丹现年30岁。他曾就读于北卡罗莱纳大学。九年前进入芝加哥公牛队。在过去三年中率领公牛队夺取了全美篮球联赛三连冠。他是NBA近七年来得分最高的球员。他还赢得过奥林匹克金牌。 今年七月,乔丹的父亲在北卡罗莱纳遇害。父亲詹姆斯·乔丹和儿子迈克尔是亲密的朋友。迈克尔·乔丹说父亲观看他的最后一场比赛对他来说意义重大,但是他说父亲的死并不是他退役的原因。他说这几年一直在考虑退役。乔丹是过去的三年来退役的第三位主要球.员。洛杉矶湖人队魔术师约翰逊由于染上艾滋病而退役。去年效力于波士顿凯尔特人队的拉里·伯德由于背伤而退役。 乔丹精湛的球技增加了篮球的魅力。公牛队在哪儿打球,哪儿的体育中心的门票便会被抢购一空。 宣布退役时,乔丹说在篮球上他已经没有什么新的可施展了。他已经不想再打球了。从现在开始,他要花时间同家人一起尽可能地重新过正常人的生活。但是他说或许有一天他会重返篮球场。乔丹说他从不相信“决不”。

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