My Dream School
I always fl tird aftr ight classs a day, so my dram school starts at 8:30 a.m. and nds at 3:30 p.m. Thr ar thr lssons in th morning and two in th aftrnoon. W can choos our favorit lssons to larn. W can spnd mor tim doing som outsid rading. Th studnts do aftr-school activitis for on and a half hours vry day. W ndnt do a lot of homwork. W ar all happy to stay at school. Bsids that, my dram school looks lik a big gardn. Thr ar many kinds of flowrs around th modrn buildings. Swt prfums ar diffusd all around. If I want to hav a rst, I can li on th grass, listn to music by th lak or look out at th flowrs from th classroom windows. Th tachrs hr ar kind and hlpful. Thy ar not only our tachrs but also our good frinds. Th studnts ar polit and frindly. W all know how to kp our school clan and tidy. Thr is no littr around th campus. I lov my dram school. W will grow up to b happir thr.