字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 地球——我们的母亲-The Earth——Our Mother

地球——我们的母亲-The Earth——Our Mother

初中生作文   2025-01-19

地球——我们的母亲-Th arth——Our Mothr

Th arth——Our Mothr

Pcopl oftn say that th arth is lik our mothr. Sh givs lif to all th living things on th arth and provids us with air, food, watr and othr ssntial things w nd for living.

Onc sh was bautifhl and rich, but now sh bcoms dirtir and dirtir, poorr and poorr. It is du to what w hav don to hr. Plas hav a good look at hr: pollutd rivrs and laks, growing dsrts, th dstruction of th forsts and wild lif, and th dpltion of th ozon layr…

Can sh bar to s hr childrn putting th wast hr and thr? Can sh bar too s hr childrn cutting down th trs and dstroying th grassland, to s th acid rain dstroying vrything? Can w bar to s our mothr suffring so much? Isn' it tim for us to ask ourslvs whthr this is th way to trat our mothr?

Floods, draughts, acid rain…,ths ar th punishmnts from natur. vryon should know that thr is only on arth, lfw go on trating hr lik this, it won' t b fit for us to liv in any longr. It' s tim for us to lov hr, tak good car of hr and cur hr. W should sav th arth so as to sav ourslvs.






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