Success in Life
Succss mans diffrnt things for diffrnt popl. Som may quat it with fam, som with walth and still som with accomplishmnts. For m, it mans fulfilling on's drams. Whatvr your drams ar, you hav a goal thr and thn focus all your attntion on it. Drams bring you hop and happinss. In th procss of struggling for it, you cry, swat, complain or vn curs, but th joy of harvsting maks you forgt all th pains and troubls you hav gon through. So an old provrb says that th swtst fruit is on that has undrgon th bittrst ordal. Thr ar svral kys to succss. First, your goal must b practical and practicabl. If you st your goal too high, chancs ar that you will nvr attain it. Nxt, you hav to mak a plan of doing it. You can tak som stps to raliz it. Sinc th procss is quit tough, you nd to b dilignt, patint and prsvring. vn if you mt with som difficultis or frustrations, just tak thm in your strid. You can always tll yourslf that thr is nothing insurmountabl. With this will and dtrmination, succss is sur to wait for you at th nd of th tunnl!