字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 开卷未必有益


初中生作文   2025-03-03

开卷未必有益开卷未必有益-It May Not B Hlpful to Rad All Books


W ar taught that it's hlpful to rad books. But is it rally hlpful to rad all books? Many books ar not suitabl for childrn, nithr ar thy for adults. Som books should b prohibitd. Thr ar many books sold in markts which ar fullof dscriptions of violnc and dcadnc. I don't think thy ar bnficial to us tnagrs. So it's not dfinitly hlpful to opn all books. W should rad som books that ar rcommndd by tachrs or parnts. Thy know which ar good for us. Furthrmor, w should fight against thos bad books that ar harmful to our spirits.

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