字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 On the Way to School-上学路上,On the Way to School-上学路上

On the Way to School-上学路上,On the Way to School-上学路上

初中生作文   2025-02-03

On th Way to School-上学路上,On th Way to School-上学路上On th Way to School-上学路上 On th Way to School

This morning, my fathr took m to school by bik. I sat at th back of th bik, ating a banana. Aftr I at it up, I thrw th skin onto th strt randomly. No soonr had I don this than I ralizd that I had don somthing bad to our nvironmnt. And mayb somon would stp on it and tumblovr. I must pick it up. Thinking of ths, I askd fathr to stop. I jumpd offth bik and ran back to pick up th banana skin and thrw it into a roadsid dustbin. Sing this, fathr praisd m and I flt vry happy.

In futur I will protct th surroundings mor consciously and think mor about othrs.




On th Way to School-上学路上

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