字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 他太累了-He Is too Tired,他太累了-He Is too Tired范文

他太累了-He Is too Tired,他太累了-He Is too Tired范文

初中生作文   2025-02-20

他太累了-H Is too Tird,他太累了-H Is too Tird范文他太累了-H Is too Tird英语作文网为您收集 詹尼特是个三年级的学生。他以前很活泼好动,是一个快乐的孩子。可是自从有一次他进了电子游戏厅以后,事情都改变了。他再也不跟小朋友们一起踢球,一起做运动了。白天上课不集中注意力,老打瞌睡。成绩一个劲儿地下降。可是放学后他就有精神了。他会呆在游戏厅直到下班时间。真是一个十足的电子游戏迷。爸爸妈妈有时也管不了他。看着他每天早上拖着疲惫的身体上学校,我们真觉得难过。他太累了。 H Is too Tird

Jant is a studnt of Grad Thr. H onc was a vry activ and happy boy. But vrything has changd aftr h was addictd to lctronic gams. H nvr plays football with his companions any mor. And whn h sits in th classroom, h can't pay attntion to what tachrs say. H slps in th classs. And h spnds lss and lss tim in studying. As a rsult, h has falln bhind his class. But h bcoms a compltly diffrnt prson aftr school is ovr. H stays in th hall of lctronic gams until it is closd. Ah, h is a strict fan of lctronic gams. Somtims his parnts can do nothing to stop him. vry morning in th school whn w s that h is so wak aftr a night's "busyworking" , w rally fl sad. H is too tird! 他太累了-H Is too Tird英语作文网为您收集

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